Monday, October 11, 2010

Tiny Pajamas and Doughnuts

I had not noticed until this morning, that a certain pair of pajama pants that I own are no longer fitting. Where they once dragged under the heels of my feet, now only resemble really comfortable capri pants. As I made the intrepid climb down off my bed (it sits a whopping 2 ft. 5 in off the ground) and walked to the bathroom, I felt a suddenly draft wrap around the tiny toothpicks that I call ankles. Looking down, I notice that these pajamas legs were leaving my ankles and a small part of my lower leg completely exposed. This was unexpected and prompted a debate that I still have not resolved. Am I growing or are these shrinking? I quickly checked the waistband to make sure that while I was sleeping it had not shifted North into Senior Citizen territory of resting around my belly button. Of course, the waistband was right where I had left last night.

For full disclosure though, I have not worn these pajama pants in many months, which leads me to wonder just exactly where in this pajama void they actually cease to stop fitting me? I may never have the right answers for this situation, but there is a glimmer of hope that keeps me wonder, am I finally growing?? Most people my age don't obsess over height as much I do, but they never had to grow facial hair in order to convince people they were old enough to work in a hardware store (and growing facial hair is not an easy task for me).

While I'm on the subject of work though, I have a bone to pick with the crew that was working at the Tim Horton's at 8 Mile and Mound at 5:30 in the morning yesterday. At the drive through I asked for a dozen doughnuts...little did I know that they had no intention of letting me pick those doughnuts. As I went to pay, he slid a box, full of random doughnuts that he had pick for me (which I suspect he was trying to get rid of the old stuff). Who does that? How can a place that advertises "We specialize in doughnuts" not let you pick your own doughnuts, but rather just grab a bunch of different doughnuts and send a person on their way? First thing I said was "I'm gonna need a lot more Boston Creams in there". The Boston Cream is the coveted 2nd place of all doughnuts, the Silver Medalist behind the Eclair, which is of course just a larger Boston Cream. "...and take that cruller out while you're at it." I firmly believe in a man's right to choose the doughnuts he eats. When it comes to doughnuts, I am one hundred percent pro-choice. I mean, seriously, who want s a plain doughnut if they're not on a hayride or an apple orchard? You want a plain doughnut? Get a 1960s Sci Fi ray gun that makes things bigger and aim it at a box of Cheerios...the rest of us will stick with our Boston Creams.

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