I own a lot of stuff. Amongst all my stuff is some rather quirky items that I impulsively bought purely out of immaturity, nostalgia, or both. I thought that I would gather some of it together to illustrate just what kind of crap I just have laying around my room.

1. Those of you who are not familiar with Harry Belafonte would know him best as the guy who sings 'Day-O" from one of the greatest scenes in the movie Beetlejuice, where they dance around before mutant lobster hands attack them. (Sidenote: Those mutant lobster hands scared me alot when I was little)

2. This shirt, which proclaims 'Fooey On Fouts' regards current Warren Mayor Jim Fouts. I got this from somebody awhile ago, and it always makes me laugh. I have never worn it, it's way too big. It fits like a nightgown. It's sits in the back of my closet, and makes for a great conversation piece every now and then should the topic of Warren Politics come up (which it rarely does).

As the title suggests, this is indeed a book written by disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagowhatever. (I know I could just look at the pic to learn the spelling). I didn't know there was something this man could be worst at then being governor, but there is, being a writer. Is it just me or does he kind of look like a Cabbage Patch doll??

4. One of my favorite things is B1. I used to have both of the Bananas In Pajamas, but somewhere along the way B2 got lost. Seriously, I am holding onto this for my children, and I hope they'll pass it along to their children as well.

5. This is of course an action figure of the popular host of HBO's 'Tales from the Crypt' The Cryptkeeper. He is of course donning a very elegant tuxedo, complete with tails. This was my favorite show when I was five years old. Why was a five year old allowed to watch Tales from the Crypt? Don't ask me, I don't know. BTW, I didn't know this, but Danny Elfman composed the theme music to the show. For those of you who aren't familiar with Danny Elfman, he's done the music in basically every Tim Burton movie.

6. This is the entire series of MGM Classic Horror Film Monsters plush collection. They are (from left to right) Dracula, The Phantom Of The Opera, Creature From The Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, Bride Of Frankenstein, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The Mummy, and The Wolfman. Six of them were easy to find in a dollar store. It would be three years before I would complete the collection. The Creature From The Black Lagoon was the hardest one to find. The Hunchback comes in a close second though.
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